We will hold a welcome party for new international students on Wednesday, April 19.
It will be a good opportunity to meet international students, freshmen, and Japanese students.
Please join us!!
2017前期ウェルカムパーティー詳細 / Details
・日時 / Date and Time
4/19(水)17:30~19:30(17:00開場) / Wednesday, April 19 17:30-19:30(17:00 Open)
・場所 / Place
神戸大学鶴甲第一キャンパス内国文食堂横学生ホール / Dining Hall in Tsurukabuto 1st Campus, Kobe Univ.
*If you do not know the place, please come to the entrance of Center for International Education of Kobe Univ. at 17:00.
Truss members will take you to the place.
・参加費 / Entrance Fee ¥500 ※軽食あり / Light meals will be served in this party.